
Elected Officals, Staff &
The Community

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Staff Engagement

Increase work efficiency

StarGOV applications support and assist your entire staff, not just those behind a computer all day. Mobile apps for workers in the field increase productivity, management, and help the community know what work is being done to benefit all.


preserve important information

We too love the smell of ink on paper.  However, very few documents should be preserved on paper. Digital communications and interactions are more efficient and easier to transmit.  That's what StarGOV is all about. Bringing your governemental entity to a more efficient mode in the digital world.  
You can still keep your bound books and enjoy the nostalgia of the library. Nothing is being taken away. Your entity will merely gain time and efficiency.  Call us today.



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For emergencies nothing beats digital communications: texts, social media, and more. People in the community come together to help. As noted by this vintage picture from Utah's Deseret News of the flooding in downtown Salt Lake City in 1983. Now, all these volunteers get activated much quicker with digital technologies. StarGOV can and will help you design the most efficient digital notification systems.

Continuing with the theme of water, we will try to explain the commitment the StarGOV team has to your success.

Even in the best of times, having a coxswain is essential. In the rowing photo, the coxswain is the one on top: Coaching the team, keeping them safe, steering, and providing necessary feedback. StarGOV is not just products off the shelf. We teach and coach, much like the coxswain, until you are ready to lead your digital pursuits on your own. Infobytes can assist on an extended retainer basis, to coxswain your digital efforts as needed.

Service committment

Technological advancements give us more time

Without question, the typical washing machine provided more time for people (esp women) to do something else. The question is what did this free time bring? Many argue that the time spent washing clothes is about the same today as it was in the 1930s. The argument is has happened becaue people have more clothes and wash them more frequently. 

To be eligible 

We request that the time an entity gains with automation is used to help the people of your community

Infobytes requests that once an entity gains more time utilizing StarGOV's effective products and automation, that the time and money is provided back to the community and constituents. 

cyber security POLICIES

Your entity must have solid cyber security policies in place.  The cyber security polices must be taught "hands on" to all administrative staff, employees, elected and appointed officials.


Infobytes will consult with you and guide you in launching your digital programs and campaigns. Usually, we will pass the baton back to you to lead your digital orchestra. Occasionally, we can be retained to assume the leadership role on your behalf.
(This reference to an orchestra is an analogy. It’s difficult to succinctly describe unseen and virtual endeavors)